Teken de petitie voor behoud van het Eurocircuit!
Dat de circuits in de Benelux de laatste jaren in zwaar weer verkeren is waarschijnlijk bij iedereen bekend. Vanavond kwam er een noodkreet van Marcel Lambrechts… voorzitter van het Eurocircuit in Valkenswaard. We citeren Marcel en vragen jullie de petitie te tekenen!
Marcel Lambrechts op zijn facebookpagina:
“Dear friends,
Almost two years now the Eurocircuit is fighting to keep existing as a track for Rallycross.
There are some people living in Valkenswaard who are making it very hard for the track.
Since the existing of the track the members of the board received a few remarks and complains from people living close to the track which in the years have been solved.
The needed renewals of the planning commission during at least 30 years now it seems that the track will be lost due to negligence of the council of Valkenswaard.
Keep the track alive and sign for keeping the tack and the time of use we need to keep it alive.”
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